

It all started with two old friends from a small town in the South West of France with a strong passion for alternative music, who navigated together through their teenage days and adulthood going to a massive amount of gigs.

Their passion for live music made them go to London several times as it was (and still is) the European heart of live rock’n’roll.

Years later, they finally moved there and it was for them a revelation : The magic buzzing city was full of super exciting food joints, craft beer, cocktail bars, tattoo parlours and music venues.

From then on, they had a crazy idea. One day they would open their own place to bring this vibe to their home land.

Blossom is the name of the first album from Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes, band that started while they were in London and that they saw live countless times.

Blossom also symbolizes blooming, a new beginning. That would be the perfect name to represent the London years. We decided to visually highlight it with our tattoo inspired flower logo.

During the first lockdown, Alex and Esteban worked endlessly on building the concept. Top quality burgers, a great craft beer selection, Punk Rock imagery, Rock’N’Roll atmosphere, and an exhaustive music playlist.
Then, Alex decided to pour everything he had into developing the project further and on the 31st of December 2020, when we were all coping with the misery brought by the pandemic, and regardless of the difficulties ahead, he decided to finally open Blossom Burgers in the heart of Paris.

To be continued…
Long Live Rock’n’Roll


We want to collaborate with some chefs, restaurants, tattoo artists and musicians to develop new burgers, at least, one per month. Here’s some past ones:

The Drunken Pig
w/ Jarvis Scott

The Drunken Pig Jarvis Scott Blossom Burgers
Porc confit dans de la bière, herbes fraîches, pickles de moutardes, mayo HP sauce, caramel de bière, ….

The Woo Burger
w/ Jenny Woo

Steak végétal, aubergines confites au vinaigre de riz, mayo Hoisin, pickles oignons rouges, coriandre fraîche, …

BlÖZsom Burger
w/ Ozlem Döner

Poulet fermier mariné façon Özlem, courgettes au zaatar, oignons rouges/sumac/persil, sauce yaourt menthe, pickles de piment, …

Boca Burger
w/ Paris Boca Cantina

Steak angus smashé, muzza argentina, piquillos grillés, chimichurri verde, oignons crus et cuits, …

Black Kiss
w/ Les lèvres rouges

Steak Angus smashé, betteraves marinées au Gin, confit de chou rouge au miel, mayo charbon sriracha, caramel de betterave, …

Jameson Burger
w/ Jameson

Jameson Burger - Blossom Burgers
Steak d’Aubrac smashé, houmous de maïs au Jameson, laquage BBQ Jameson, pickles d’oignons rouges, laitue iceberg, maïs pimenté, cheddar, …

Banh Mi Burger
w/ Tram Tram Kitchen & La Parade

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers
Poitrine de porc confite, coriandre, coleslaw, mayo aioli sriracha, pickles d’échalotes, …

Cheesy Bastard
w/ Taka & Vermo

Panko de Raclette fumée, oignons au vinaigre de sapin, pickles de capucine tubéreuse, sauce secrète, viande d’Aubrac, trévise, …

Adana Bürger
w/ Ozlem Döner

Adana façon Ozlem, oignons persillés au sumac, noix concassées, pickles de topinambours, sauce blanche à la menthe, menthe fraîche, cheddar, …

Bricktop Burger
w/ Bricktop Pizza

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers
Salame piccante, champignons et oignons sautés, mayo tomate origan, mozzarella fior di latte, roquette, …

DEUX Burger
w/ Deux Restaurant

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers
Viande d’Aubrac insert Beaufort, poitrine de chez Eric Ospital et ail des ours, oignons au piment d’Espelette, sauce piment fumé et ail des ours, …

Pulled Beef Burger
w/ Silo Café

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers
Pulled beef, sauce BBQ au café, coriandre, cheddar anglais, coleslaw de fenouil, pickles de courgette, …

Fried Chicken Burger
w/ Brigade du Tigre

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers
Poulet jaune fermier mariné et frit aux épices, sauce Unagi, mayo sésame, coleslaw et coriandre fraîche

Angry King Charles
w/ No Diet Club

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers
Steak Angus smashé, crème de boudin, beans à la tomate, oeuf plancha, coulis de tomates rôties, champignons grillés, cheddar, …

Cheesy Bastard 2
w/ Justine Audoin

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers
Panko de raclette fumée, bacon caramélisé au St Germain, mayo et pesto à l’oseille, pickles de topinambours, iceberg, …

Pulled Peking Duck
w/ Tiger Tiger

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Canard laqué effiloché, coriandre, sauce prune, emmental, pickles, …

Double Filipino Smash
w/ Reyna

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Double Patty d’échine de porc aux épices smashé, BBQ Kalamansi glazed, estragon, chou rouge, mayo, pickles, Taleggio

Rock The Casbah
w/ Mama Nissa

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Patty « Kefta », cheddar, sauce blanche, menthe et roquette, oignons confits & raisins façon T’faya

Chicken Cæsar Burger
w/ Victor Blanchet

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Panko de Poulet mariné miso et ail, crème césar, parmesan, roquette et sucrine, condiment échalote/poivre

Belleville Burger
w/ Basis Kebab

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Smashed patty aux épices Basis, oignons grillés, iceberg, sauce Belleville, sauce blanche, pickles de chou rouge & cheddar

Will’s Burger
w/ Will’s Deli

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Potato bun, boeuf smashé, pastrami Brooklyn snacké, cheddar, crème d’avocat, sauce miel moutarde, pickles d’oignons rouges, iceberg

Eddie’s Burger
w/ Eddie Czaicki

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Patty de boeuf Angus, crème chipotle, bbq mezcal, pickles oignons rouges, spicy nachos, cheddar, avocat et iceberg

Léo’s Beets Burger
w/ Léonie Bakery

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Croissant au beurre, Patty de boeuf Angus, oignons grillés, crème de butternut à l’estragon, betteraves pickles, iceberg

w/ Québécium

Burger Tram Tram Blossom Burgers

Potato bun, effiloché de porc, oignons confits et bleuets, fromage squouik squouik, sauce poutine


An exhaustive selection of some bands and songs we love and define the identity of Blossom. It’s growing every day 🎸